Sharing In-Person Energy


Hi everyone and welcome to The Limitless Blog. My name is Radhika and I'm the founder of Jiva More Life. Our mission is to inspire you to believe that you are limitless. I recently started selling my art through pop-up events around LA and wanted to share my experience so far. That's what we'll be talking about today.


You've done a few pop-ups around LA now. How does that feel?

It's very exciting because all throughout COVID when I was building Jiva and creating the idea, all I wanted was to go to in-person events, to share my art, share the vision, and talk to people. Most of it was online, which was a lot of fun too, but going in person is a completely different vibe. It's so much more exciting and more fun. You get to see people's reactions, what they're excited about, what they connect with about the brand or about the pieces and why they love it. I think it's really, really exciting to see and get those reactions in real time!


When you met people and shared your vision for Jiva, what were some of your favorite reactions?

I think what I love about sharing the vision is my whole goal is to inspire you to believe that you are limitless. For you to feel like you can achieve your dreams and anything is possible. I love to share that vision and have it really touch people. For example, I've had people who are very shocked or taken aback or surprised because they weren't expecting me to say that to them or they weren't expecting to hear that, or maybe no one has told them that recently. Sometimes someone will be having a bad day and once I share my vision they'll say, "oh today wasn’t that great, but I wasn't expecting someone to tell me this right now." And for me, that is my whole goal -- to make you feel like you can do anything you want to do, and make you feel limitless in that way. Everyday you can achieve your dreams. You can work towards that and you can make it happen. You shouldn't think you ever can’t. I love giving that energy to people because I feel like it really transforms their outlook.

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1 comment

Congratulations on being able to go to pop-ups! I think in person is definitely a different vibe than what you can get virtually. I also love that you were able to actually inspire people or help them feel better if they’re having a bad day.


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