Our Story

It all started when Radhika was up late one night...

reading #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso and thought, "if Amoruso can start her own successful creative business, why can't I?" Amoruso is the founder of Nasty Gal, a $100 million plus online fashion retailer, who started her business selling thrifted clothing on eBay.

From the age of 3 Radhika wanted to be an artist. However, she believed that all artists were starving so she didn't think she could make a living pursing art, let alone a successful career. Accordingly, she spent time doing art as a hobby while excelling in the academic world.

First Radhika studied biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University. Then she was accepted into the GE Commercial Leadership Program, a 2 year rotational program designed to create leaders in the healthcare space. After the program, she landed a role as a MR Sales Specialist, closing million dollar deals selling MRI systems to hospitals in Southern California. So there she was, succeeding in the corporate world, but was she fulfilled?

In the summer of 2020 she began to ask herself a series of questions. "What do I really want? Am I happy where I am? Where do I want to be in 5 years? Am I doing what I want to do? If not, why not?"

She knew starting her own business would mean working harder and longer hours, but her "work" would include painting and drawing - her passions. She had read Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk and felt prepared to put in the work to build her brand and influence over time.

Therefore the idea to become a full time artist, entrepreneur, and business owner was born. She decided that she not only wanted to sell her own art, but inspire those around her to believe that they were limitless. She didn't want them to be limited in their thinking the way that she had been. She wanted to empower them to believe that they too could pursue their dreams and passions. The first step is believing that it's possible and the second is putting in the hard work.


Radhika is the founder of this brand known as Jiva More Life.


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